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The Conference
The aim of this international conference is to bring together model theorists and scientists in other areas of mathematics. It will be held in Oleron, France.
The conference will be supported by MODIG (ANR-09-BLAN-0047), BQR-Paris 7-1000001032, NSF grant DMS-1103239 and Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. Meeting sponsored by the ASL.
Le but de cette rencontre est de réunir des théoriciens des modèles et d'autres mathématiciens.
Soutenue par les projets MODIG (ANR-09-BLAN-0047), BQR-Paris 7-1000001032, la bourse NSF DMS-1103239 ainsi que le Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. Sponsorisée par l'ASL.
Confirmed Speakers
Scientific Committee
- Amador Martin-Pizarro (chair. CNRS - Lyon 1)
- Zoé Chatzidakis (CNRS - Paris 7)
- David Marker (UI Chicago)
- Rahim Moosa (U. of Waterloo)
- Sergei Starchenko (U. of Notre Dame)
Organisation Committee
- Amador Martín-Pizarro (CNRS - Lyon 1)
- Zoé Chatzidakis (CNRS - Paris 7)
- Frank O. Wagner (Lyon 1)
- Itaï Ben Yaacov (Lyon 1)
- Thomas Blossier (Lyon 1)
- Javier Moreno (Lyon 1 - UWaterloo)